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Dream Seekers 

Dream Seekers is the official newsletter for the Institute of English Studies. It covers campus life and times, and accomplishments of the scholars and academics housed at IES. Dream Seekers is not only a repository of the Institute’s endeavours, but it also helps to share stories from IES with the world outside. This gazette encapsulates the research culture harboured at the Institute. In addition to being an annual fact-book, Dream Seekers also publishes thesis titles of the final year research in graduate and postgraduate programmes conducted in that year.

The newsletter’s spread is vast: it showcases accomplishments in the academics - research published and presented both nationally and internationally. It features extracurricular activities, such as plantation week, charity drives, sports week, etc.; throughout the year, it sheds light on seminars and webinars, held in association with IES. The year eventually culminates into this annual booklet celebrating faculty and student life at IES.

The Newsletter’s patron is Prof. Dr. Amra Raza who also pioneered this initiative, and its faculty editor is Zoya Jamil Chaudhry. The editor works in liaison with the student body contributing to the timeline of events.

See Newsletter 

July 2018 - September 2019 - here

September 2017 - June 2018 - here

September 2016 - June 2017 - here

September 2015 - June 2016 - here

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