Institute of English Studies

Dr. Amra Raza
Position: Professor and Director
Prof. Dr. Amra Raza has the honour of being the first PhD in English produced by this institution. She has an MA in English Literature, as well as an MA in Linguistics with distinctions in both. She is a researcher, creative writer and English Language Teacher Trainer. She holds the National Jane Townsend Poetry Prize (1990) for her poem ‘A Nights Swim’ and is the Co-editor of Voices and Visions: Young Writers from Pakistan (2008) published by University Oxford Press. Her poems have been published in The South Asian Review University of Pittsburgh, Johnstown, as well as in The Pakistan Academy of Letters. She has 34 research papers published in national and international Journals to her credit. Dr Raza’s book titled “Spatial Constructs in Alamgir Hashmi’s Poetry: A Critical Study” has been published abroad. Besides supervising 03 PhD and 25 MPhil theses, Dr. Raza has also supervised numerous BS, as well as ELT theses. As teacher trainer she has conducted many seminars/workshops on ELT and Applied Linguistics related areas and as Chair, English, she has hosted numerous seminars and lectures in the Institute in interdisciplinary and market skills-oriented areas so as to produce well rounded students ready to take on the job market. As Chair, she initiated and supervised the construction of the BS Undergraduate Block, and launched the BS in English (4 Year) Programme in 2014. She has also initiated social and community service awareness at the department, which now sponsors the education of one underprivileged child for a year by holding annual funfairs for charity.